Friday, June 12, 2015

Day 14 - June 12 - Creston to Cranbrook - 105 km (T=911km)

Notre plus grosse journée jusqu'à présent, et enfin plus de 100 km....Charles est content.!! C'est incroyable ce qu'un change de température (moins chaud) et un vent de dos peut faire!!

Nous sommes parti à 5:30h et incluant les arrêts, nous sommes arrivés à Cranbrook dans un peu moins de 7 heures. La température a beaucoup variée durant la journée, passant de 15C au départ pour diminuer à 8C un petit bout de temps puis augmenter progressivement jusqu'à 25C.

Les plans du départ étaient de peut-être arrêter à Yahk après 40 km, puisque nous allions avoir des montées presque tout le long. Comme la montée était plus progressive qu'on croyait, on a continué. Le seul autre point de service après, était à Moyie, après 77 km. On y a mangé une crème glacée. Avec les fruits, qu'on a mangé en plus en chemin, on a eu l'énergie de se rendre à Cranbrook.

C'était le temps d'arriver, puisque le ciel devenait de plus en plus noir. On pouvait aussi voir de la pluie au loin dans les montagnes. D'aprés la météo, il y a 40% de chances d'orages de tonnerre ce soir et il va faire 6C cette nuit. Alors un autre hôtel et une marche à l'épicerie.

Entre Yahk et Moyie, après 55 km de route, nous avons eu la surprise de voir une enseigne qui indiquait le changement de zone de temps. Donc 9:30h devenait c'est comme si on était parti à 6:30h ce matin!!!!  On ne réalisait pas que la Colombie Britannique a deux zones de temps.

 enseigne vue au départ....est-ce qu'on s'y rendra?
sign seen just after departure...will we make it?
 Yahk- nice to have a picnic table to eat out fruits - 40 km done
 time zone change ... after 55km
 on profite des murs de bétons - we like to stop on those ciment walls
 but these rumble strips on the road to prevent car accident from drivers falling asleep
....we don't like as much!
 Moyie not Movie!!
 Moyie Lake

 les nuages sont plus nombreux
more clouds
finally there...with grey skies

Our biggest day so far, and more than 100 km...Charles is happy!! It is unbelievable what a change in weather (not too warm) and a tail wind can do!!

We left at 5:30h and including the stops we arrived in Cranbrook in a little less than 7 hours. The temperature changed a lot during the day. We started with 15C, and it went down to 8C for a short time to then increase gradually to 25C.

Original plans were to maybe stop at Yahk, after 40 km, since we knew we were going uphill all the way. Since the ascent was more progressive than expected, we went on. The next service point was in Moyie after 77 km, where we enjoyed an ice cream. With all the fruits we ate on the way, we got enough energy to make it to Cranbrook. 

It was about time we arrived since the clouds were getting darker. We could also see rain farter away in the mountains. The weather forecast was also saying there is a 40% chance for thunder storm in the evening and a low of 6C tonight. So another hotel, and a walk to the grocery store. 

Between Yahk and Moyie, we were very surprised to see a sign for a time zone change. So 9:30h changed to 10:30h...and it was as if we had left at 6:30h this morning. We didn't know that BC had two time zones. 

Charles wants to say sorry to a BC car driver who has to be a hell of a cyclist. Going down a hill at 40km/h and only 1 foot left between the cement wall and the rumble strips Charles thought that since there was a passing lane that he would go on the side of the road. Well the driver of the car rolled down his window and was yelling for me to get out of the road and he was giving me a finger....and it did not mean i was number 1. His maya trailer only has 1 wheel but is about 2 feet wide. Sorry sir if you had to slow down!

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