Notre total de 119 km n'est pas notre record, mais ceci est une des journée les plus difficiles de notre voyage. Environ 90 km de ce total était sur du gravier et en plus nous avions du vent de face. Le problème est que lorsque tu commence dans la piste, il n'y a pas beaucoup d'alternatives. Nous n'avons pas vu de magasin de la journée. Ce que nous avions dans nos sacs en quittant Ottawa devait être suffisant pour la journée. Nous étions chanceux que c'était une journée surtout nuageuse, et pas si chaude que cela aurait été possible. Mais au moins nous étions bien préparé.
Nous sommes dans un hotel à Rigaud et sommes arrivés à temps avant la pluie. Il y a un restaurant juste à côté et nous avons utilisé nos manteaux de pluie pour s'y rendre. Il est supposé d'avoir beaucoup de pluie cette nuit, mais celle-ci devrait être terminée demain matin pour nous permettre de nous rendre à Brossard, chez Daniel, le frère de Charles.
Ontario = 1216 km ...notre plus grande distance dans une province, même si nous en avons manqué une partie en passant par les Etats-Unis.
looks like an easy day...but gravel made a difference!
Patrick guiding us...even early on a Saturday!
just before leaving us
Prescott-Russell recreational trail
very nice gravel, mainly on the first 40 km of it
42 km - Bourget - a nice 2 km of pavement
at 54 km we reached 5000 km
photographer in action
88 km - Vankleek Hill - nice cheese and cracker break
100 km - tunnel in the trees ....after that the trail was bad and we left it before the border
109 km a new province
It is always hard to get out of a big city when cycling, but we were lucky to have Patrick guide us for the first 12 km; up to the entrance of the Prescott-Russell bike trail. This trail is on an old railroad track and is about 100 km long, with 93 km in Ontario and 7 km in Québec.
Our total of 119 km may not be our highest, but this has to be one of the hardest day we had so far on this journey. Around 90 km of that total was on gravel and our day was also with a head wind. The problem is that once we started, there was no alternative. We never saw any stores today. What we had in our bags when we left Ottawa, had to be sufficient for the whole day. We were lucky that today was mostly cloudy, and not as warm as it could have been. But at least we had planned well.
We are in a hotel in Rigaud and got in just in time before the rain. There is a restaurant next door, and we had to use our rain jackets to get there. The forecast calls for a lot of rain tonight, but it should be over before the morning, so we will be able to ride to Brossard and visit Daniel, Charles' brother.
Ontario = 1216 km ....our longest distance in a province, even by missing a long part by going through the USA.
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