Vers 11:00h nous étions de nouveau en route, mais en voiture, avec destination Twillingate. Il a fallu passer sur trois 'causeway' pour s'y rendre. Nous avons traversé les villages de Lewisporte, Campbellton, Birchy Bay et Summerford. Nous avons diné à Birchy Bay, avec le spécial de langues de morue. Un beau petit restaurant local avec encore une fois de la nourriture excellente.
Twillingate est un bien beau village de pêcheurs mais aussi très touristique. Il y a plusieurs compagnies qui offrent des tours en bateau. Nous voulions aller voir des baleines, mais la température près du quai n'était que 18C et en plus il y avait des risques de cancellation du tour à cause de grosses vagues. En plus, ce n'est pas le bon temps de l'année pour voir des glaciers.
Nous prévoyons un autre tour en voiture demain après-midi et la température devrait être plus chaude. Demain sera probablement une autre courte journée de vélo avec une grande promenade en voiture. Nous aimons bien la partie Est de Terre-Neuve.
18 km - tried to take a picture of a moose but he was faster than the photographer
37 km view of a lake
50 km
74 km
660 collisions last year with a moose
car ride - 91 km nothing with a car
promenade en voiture ---91 km - facile!
where we had lunch
view in Birchy Bay
Twillingate - iceberg capital of the world
this and next 4 pictures are views of Twillingate
Since we are now in the eastern part of Newfoundland, there is a lot we want to see. So this morning, I was on the road at 6:00h and I was at my destination by 10:30h. It was another ride in central Newfoundland with not much to see again. Marthe got to the hotel exactly at the same time as me. A 101 km ride.
We were on the road by car by 11h. We wanted to get to Twillingate. We had to cross three causeway and go by the villages of Lewisporte, Campbellton, Birchy Bay and Summerford. We had lunch in Birchy Bay where the special was cod tongues. Very nice little restaurant with excellent food again.
Twillingate is a very nice fishing village and it is very touristic. There are a lot of companies offering boat tours. We had planned to go look for whales, but the temperature was only 18C by the wharf and we were also told that they might have to cancel the afternoon tour, because of rough seas. They also confirmed that it was rare to see icebergs this time of year.
We plan another car trip tomorrow afternoon and the forecast is for very warm weather. It will be another short bike ride in the morning with another long car ride. We are enjoying the East part of Newfoundland.
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